Set SPA Origami

Scheda tecnica

…..1000/313 Tissues holder
…..1111/313 Tissues holder with base
…..1786/313 Toothbrush holder
….16990/313 Toilet brush
……676/313 scatola porta cotone alta – tall box for cotton
……675/313 scatola porta cotton fioc bassa – short box for cotton
…..1709/313 Soap holder
……1160/313 scatola cilindrica porta talco – cylindric box for talc
……1163/313 scatola cilindrica porta Sali da bagno – bath salts cylindric box
…..1230/313 bottiglie per oli profumati – Scented oil bottle
……919/313 Profumiera  Luna – Luna Perfume bottle
…..1773/313 Soap dispenser
……911/313 porta salviette quadro con base – square tissues holder with base
…..1798/313 Cestino Cilindrico – Cylindrical Bin